Halo gaiss! Disini aku mau kasih beberapa cara buat kalian yang mau buat blog atau sekedar memperindahnya saja. Perhatikan baik” yaa.... CARA MEMBUAT BLOG DI BLOGGER 1. Login ke Blogger 2. Di sebelah kiri, klik panah bawah 3. Klik Blog baru 4. Masukkan nama blog yang sudah kalian tentukan…
Quarantine during a pandemic like this is actually not that bad either. Times like this give us a moment to take a break from the busy world outside. If time like this is spent very well, it will actually have a big impact on our lives in the future. For example, we can try to learn ne…
Who didn't get tired of this crazy year, 2020? I'm sure we all got very bored to stay at home because of this crazy pandemic. Me and my family too. We really really didn't go outside the househood for like 4 months full. We also get tired and sick for just staying in the house…
Halo temen" Chelii! Buat temen - temen yang belum sempet beli buku Denting Tiga, Disini Cheli kasih E-Booknya lhoo. Jadi buat temen - temen yanag mau baca, boleh langsung klik file dibawah ini ya... Buat temen - temen yang masih mau buku fisiknya, boleh ya hubungi 0815550812 untuk in…
I’m sure we hit the besties goals 🥺💚. The pandemic made us couldn’t see each other for about 5 months. And finally, yesterday on Mid-August we decided to do a meet up. We gathered at our friend’s villa for a day. It was a One-Fine-Day for us. We spent our quality time very happily, ju…